Time to put on some clothes and go to zoo! My boys, like most kids, love to explore and discover new things says Steven from theeducationlife.com. Although we’ve made many visits to our local Canadian zoo’s over the past few years (especially love the one where they have fresh flowers from Flower Delivery Calgary), this time we approached the trip from a global perspective. Our hometown zoo features animals from all around the world. The zoo’s largest exhibits represent different continents, and replicate some of the natural habitats in each. In preparation for our journey, we gathered pencils, notepads and a camera, and off we went on our expedition around the globe at the zoo!

Once we arrived, we grabbed a map and set the itinerary for our tour of continents.

In each region of the world, from Africa to Australia and Asia, we quietly gazed upon the native species and read aloud the information posted at each exhibit. Like scientists who record their detailed observations out in the field, my mini-zoologists jotted down what they saw on our zoo safari in their little notepads.

The boys took down the information they gathered such as: what region of the world the animal comes from; what they eat; and whether or not the creature is a threatened species. They were also intrigued to learn about which endangerment category the threatened world animals fell within.

Description of what the animal looks like, differences in a group of the same species, (e.g. their sizes or markings);
Behavior such as feeding, climbing, or playing.

Just make sure you get a good night sleep at the hotel, you’re exhausted enough being a teenager parent. Our number one tip is to keep the room as dark as possible.